Thursday, February 27, 2014

Turning off spell check in Microsoft Word

Tech Tip *Bonus*

So…you are tired of the computer auto-correcting that thing you misspelled on purpose or even telling you about the misspelling at all?
Turn off auto-correct as you type or spell check altogether in Word Options.
How do you get there?  In Microsoft Office 2013select FILE -> Options
Then in the dialog box select your changes and push OK.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Connecting your Google Account to Schoology

Start by logging in to Schoology.  If you do not have an account yet you can Sign Up quickly and easily.

Click on Resources at the top of the page. Then select Apps.

 Select Install Apps

Then check the box next to Google Drive (or any other app you would like)

Click Install button.

Approve authorization

Then connect.  After you connect you will need to login to Google unless you are logged in already in another tab. 

Then viola.  You can pull resources from Google to your Schoology account to share with students or show your students and they can submit Google files in Schoology.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Lookup Tables

Today’s tip is for assigning groups people or items to groups/centers/locations.  I like to use the lookup function in Excel to place a group of students to specific assignments or locations.  A lookup table can be used to assign letter grades to specific percentages also.  

Actually, Excel can Lookup many different types of values in a table format.

In the spreadsheet above I show an example of assigning students to groups for a weekly rotation. I have a list of students and assign them to a group. In cell F2 I have a lookup function =LOOKUP(C:C,L:L,M:M)
This function tell cell F2 to look at column C, find a match in column L and return the value in column M.  Then I can copy the formula for every student in the column.  Then if you decide you want to change the assignment for Group A on Monday you only need to make the change in cell M3 and the function will do the rest to the cells with the function available.
Use the lookup table to lookup many variables that might change over time when you have a long list to update.  Have fun customizing your own spreadsheet for classes, over school events, or organizing stuff at home.
For more info on functions watch: Excel Functions
LOOKUP function (description from Microsoft help)
·         For the LOOKUP function to work correctly, the data being looked up must be sorted in ascending order.
Vector form
A vector is a range of only one row or one column. The vector form of LOOKUP looks in a one-row or one-column range (known as a vector) for a value and returns a value from the same position in a second one-row or one-column range. Use this form of the LOOKUP function when you want to specify the range that contains the values that you want to match.
LOOKUP(lookup_value,  lookup_vector,  [result_vector])
·         lookup_value    Required. A value that LOOKUP searches for in the first vector. Lookup_value can be a number, text, a logical value, or a name or reference that refers to a value.
·         lookup_vector    Required. A range that contains only one row or one column. result_vector    Optional. A range that contains only one row or column.
·         If the LOOKUP function can't find the lookup_value, the function matches the largest value in lookup_vector that is less than or equal to lookup_value.
·         If lookup_value is smaller than the smallest value in lookup_vector, LOOKUP returns the #N/A error value.