Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Presenting and presentations

My tech tip this week is about PechaKucha.  PechaKucha 20x20 is a presentation format that takes 20 images and they automatically advance every 20 seconds while the presenter talks about them.  This is a great way for you as a teacher to present a new topic or for students to give a non-typical presentation. 

It’s not a PowerPoint, it’s not a Prezi.  PowerPoint or Google Slides can be used to create a PechaKucha.
In PowerPoint you can rehearse timings and add narration in the Slide Show ribbon.  Or the presentation can be given live with the slides advancing and the conversation/speech given on the spot.  This is a great way in a speech class to force students to practice what they are going to say because the slide will automatically advance. 
See a sample here:PechaKucha sample

Learn how to auto-advance PowerPoint slides: http://www.gcflearnfree.org/powerpoint2013/32

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